
Download the new version Detect It Easy 3.08
Download the new version Detect It Easy 3.08

You would do so by embedding the entire element in comment markers: If you want to disable a collection from being accessibile over OAI, comment out the OAIPMH serviceRack element in that collection's collectionConfig.xml. Their collectionConfig.xml files already specify that each collection is OAI enabled, through use of an OAIPMH serviceRack element. In Greenstone 3, collections should be available over OAI by default.

download the new version Detect It Easy 3.08

Installing and running GS3.08 on Mac Maverick and Yosemite machines Make sure you select the Greenstone3 tab at the top if it is not already selected. Tutorial exercises about building collections in Greenstone 3 can be found here. To build collections, run GLI from the Start menu (Windows) or by running gli/gli.sh/bat in the top level Greenstone3 folder. More notes about running Greenstone can be found in the README.txt file in the top level Greenstone folder. File→Settings in the Greenstone Server window gives you options to change the port number and which browser it uses by default. By default, your library will be available at localhost:8383/greenstone3/library. Closing this program will stop Tomcat running. A small window pops up which allows you to change some settings for your library and restart the Tomcat server. This launches a small server program which starts up Tomcat and launches a browser. Once you have successfully installed Greenstone3, you can start up the server by choosing Grenstone3 Digital Library from the Start menu (Windows) or running gs3-server.sh/bat. You can change the password any time after installation, by running the Greenstone 3 server and visiting the Administration pages.

download the new version Detect It Easy 3.08

( If the password is not set during installation, the default password for the 'admin' user is 'admin'. Greenstone user registration is needed if you want to use remote GLI login to the Greenstone server, or if you want to make collections/documents only accessible by certain groups of users. You can add new users, and change group settings for existing users. These pages allow the admin user to inspect and manage the list of registered Greenstone users.

download the new version Detect It Easy 3.08

Choosing a password for the administration pages.

Download the new version Detect It Easy 3.08